
David Menz runs ‘Zanniel’ a mixed farm enterprise with 2,800 first cross ewes for prime lamb production and beef cattle, in Mt Benson, South Australia

David was keen to maximise returns from his April-drop ewe lambs and treated half of them with Regulin in November 2018 for a December joining. He left the rest untreated for comparison. He joined the Regulin-treated ewe lambs with rams with three Regulin implants each and the untreated ones with untreated rams.

At scanning, 14% more of the treated ewe lambs were pregnant, compared to the untreated ones. All the fetuses were larger, indicating they had conceived early and indeed this was confirmed when they lambed earlier.

Overall, lambing was 14% higher in the treated group. This was mainly due to fewer dries as the rate of twins was the same in both groups. And lambing earlier meant the treated ewes had more time to get back in condition for an early joining with the rest of the flock the following November.

David concludes:

“Regulin really improved lambing in our ewe lambs. I should have treated them all. I will from now on.”