Meet some of our farmers
With thanks for sharing their stories![](
Jodie & Andrew Green
Aloeburn Pastoral
Boree Creek, NSW
800 Merino stud ewes & 8,000 commercial ewes
Since the videos on this page were shot in 2021, Jodie and Andrew Green have increased their stud and commercial flock n numbers and are in no doubt that Regulin has been a key enabler in achieving that growth.
Andrew and Jodie were some of the first farmers in Australia to use Regulin and have had a long and successful relationship with us. We are proud to be a partner in their paddocks. They were involved in early on-farm trials and currently involved in our research to establish Regulin’s potential for increasing twin lamb survival.
In their Poll Merino Stud, they use it to progress genetic gains through increasing selection pressure. They have successfully developed bare-breech, dual purpose Modern Poll Merinos. They are committed to animal welfare and acutely aware that for Australian wool to continue to be a high value fibre and a sustainable industry, market and customer expectations need to be met.
In the Aloeburn commercial flock, Regulin is used to increase lambing percentages in all out of season joinings. In some years, these results have surpassed their Autumn results. The Greens implant about 4,500 sheep annually and believe there’s NO product on the market that can do what Regulin does.
In 2021, Andrew & Jodie appeared in the first Regulin TV ads and we are grateful to them for their enthusiasm, advocacy and professionalism as industry leaders. We are proud to be a partner in their paddocks.
Find out more about Aloeburn Pastoral Co. at
Vic Fowler
Koorogong (Mixed Farm)
Southern Slopes NSW
3,500 First cross ewes
At ‘Kooroogong’ on the Southern Slopes of NSW Vic Fowler and her dad John run a mixed farm, with Prime lamb as a main focus. Crops are grown in rotation with lucerne, and beef cattle graze the natural pastures. Vic joins 4,000 first cross ewes (Border Leicester x Merino) to Poll Dorset rams in November, December and February.
The early joining program enables them to optimise the use of their feed crops when native pasture growth is slow. It also enables them to turn off some early lambs for sale before everyone else gets to market.
“With Regulin, we get many more twinners, much less dries, a shorter lambing and a tighter weaning… and the lambs definitely have more vigour.”
Nathan Todd
Culburra, SA
Nathan Todd’s farm ‘Woonallee’ is at Culburra near Tintinara in South Australia where he’s marking 170% lambs in his Merinos, which he thinks is “pretty high”.
In addition to the extra lambs from early joinings, Nathan is also enthusiastic about Regulin as a management tool, prompting him to think about managing his sheep in a different way to improve production and profits.
“Our scanner says ‘I never see results as high as yours, especially early in the season’.”
So the early lambs AND the compressed lambing which brings it’s own benefits:
“I want to get my lambing done and get those lambs off the stubbles, so I can put the crops in. Generally after the first two waves of the joining cycle, the ewes are all pretty-well done; and when they start lambing, they’re all done in within four weeks.”
Chad Taylor
Wellington, NSW
2,400 Stud ewes & 5,000 commercial ewes
Mumblebone is one of Australia’s leading Modern Merino enterprises led by Chad and Louise Taylor, in Wellington NSW.
Regulin has beeen a standard part of the breeding program at Mumblebone for in recent years.
“We’re pretty excited to be tapping into faster genetic gains and offering them to the industry. Some of the changes we’re seeing include products like Regulin.”
A year without using Regulin and a subsequent reduction in conceptions presented Chad and his team with a smoking gun.
“Regulin is very easy to administer, and the benefits just flow from there. It’s a comfortable 20% gain. Regulin has been a wonderful benefit to this business in getting out-of-season joinings up to the same level as our in-season joinings.”
Find out more about Mumblebone at:
Martin Harvey
Western Flat, SA
Martin Harvey and his wife Kirsty run ‘Broadview’ which incorporates Paxton Stud (Border Leicesters, White Suffolks and Poll Dorsets) in Western Flat, South Australia.
They use Regulin because they get more lambs, but the compression in lambing is also a great benefit. In the video, Martin says:
“This year we’ve had a phenomenal lambing. We’ve never had so many lambs in such a short space of time, which for us is ideal, because when we’re selling rams we have an even drop and a really good selection of even rams for our clients."
The Harveys have also used Regulin to synchronise the joinings of their different breeds, which means their stud rams are older at sale time.
“Our rams would be at least a month older than other studs’ Border Leicester rams, and the fact these rams are only 12-14 months old when we sell them, we implant them with Regulin before we sell them and they’re cherry ripe to go out and do the maximum amount of work.”
And it doesn’t stop there – they’ve also had success with their commercial flock and in particular with ewe lambs:
“Last year we got 92% of ewe lambs in lamb – which is extremely good for ewe lambs, and this year we got 96% conception in the ewe lambs and we’ve just marked 150%.”
Anthony Hammon
Wilby VIC
1,000 cross-bred ewes
Four years into using Regulin, Anthony says “it’s definitely part of our business now”. Regulin has tightened his lambing and increased the number of twins dramatically.
“It’s amazing to drive round and see how many lambs – from the same ewes prior to and after Regulin – how many more twins we’ve got on the ground.”
The fact that the ewes conceive early and the lambs are born early also means they can take advantage of the market.
“The benefits of joining ewes out of season is we get a lamb dropped in March and we can grow it quickly to be ready for when the first suckers come on the market in late June-July.
It doesn’t matter how many sheep you run, if you want to join out of season and get an early lamb I’d definitely be recommending Regulin.”
Graham Nickless
‘Dirrawarra’ Byawatha, VIC
450 Composite ewes
Graham is a small prime lamb producer in Northern Victoria. On his beautiful and fertile property Dirrwarra (near Wangaratta) he runs a profitable prime lamb enterprise with just 450 ewes.
He downsized from his larger farm deliberately as he was ‘maturing’, and says Regulin has afforded him the opportunity to get higher lamb percentages with fewer ewes. He switched from traditional first cross ewes to Highlander Composites and at the time of interview, he was very proud to be turning off 700 lambs from his 450 ewes, with help from Regulin.
Matt Reid
Rowallan Poll Dorset Stud (selling 350 rams per year) & 2,500 commercial ewes
Bendick Murrel NSW
Matt Reid’s farm ‘Hillview’ is the base for Rowallan Poll Dorset Stud in Bendick Murrel, NSW and has been in Matt’s family for four generations. Matt also runs 2,500 crossbred commercial ewes, and additionally does some cattle trading and winter cropping.
Matt has been using Regulin for more than 10 years, and considers it an integral part of his sheep enterprise, with consistent returns year on year.
“In certain mobs [lambing] could be 60% better, to be honest with you … it’s huge and the dollar return is massive. [Regulin’s] an integral part of what we do here, and I can’t see that stopping.
Compressing joining and lambing to just a few weeks is a key benefit, with fewer truck lifts when it’s time to sell the lambs:
“Your lambing is tighter, so you can manage your weaning and marking around that and when it’s time to sell, you’ve got bigger cuts of lambs to sell in one go.”
But essentially, it’s all about being more productive and more profitable:
“You get more lambs on the ground. You get more ewes in lamb, you get less dries and more twins, and that’s what it’s all about."
Shane Baker
‘Booloola White Suffolks
Baringhup, VIC
A few years ago, Shane Baker and his team decided their lambing percentages were not nearly as good as they would like. They had heard about Regulin through other users, and made enquiries to their local Landmark Store who put them in touch with the Regulin team. A tailored program was devised for the farm and they haven’t looked back.
They were marking about 107% at that time. Since using Regulin, the lambing percentages have risen to 187% (this year 2022).
Shane is a great believer that farmers need to make the best use of available technologies like Regulin and says:
If you don’t keep up with the times you get left behind and no-one wants to get left behind. And if you’re not using technology your profitability starts suffering as well. Farmers have got to be more switched on, it doesn’t just happen, you’ve got to make it happen.
For anyone looking to improve their percentages and tighten their lambing window, I think Regulin’s the product for them. It’s certainly had a huge impact on what we do here.
Find our more at:
McGinty Group, Victoria
Apsley, Victoria | 19-21 November 2019
Supported by the Ceva crew, Legh McGinty and his team implanted almost 15,000 sheep with Regulin prior to their Christmas Eve joining … we’re awaiting the results, but as Legh says: “The maths are pretty good.”
For more information about how Regulin can help boost the productivity and profitability of your sheep enterprise, call 1300 6999 16 or use the contact form below and we'll call you.
Regulin® is licensed for use in ewes and rams in Australia by Ceva Animal Health.
Ceva has collaborated with scientists and veterinary practitioners to further knowledge of sheep and goat reproduction. Results have been published in leading academic journals.
Ceva’s commitment to educating veterinarians working with small ruminants also includes the launch of which gathers all available data and publications regarding reproduction in cattle, sheep and goats. The use of melatonin (Regulin®) as a reproductive tool is one of the company's latest contributions in this field.
Ceva is a global company. It has offices in 45 countries and works in more than 110. It has 12 R&D centres, 25 production sites and more than 5000 employees worldwide.
Ceva Animal Health Pty Ltd. 11 Moores Road, Glenorie NSW 2157
T: +61 2 9652 7000 | F: +61 2 9652 7001 | W: