
Matt Reid’s farm ‘Hillview’ is the base for Rowallan Poll Dorset Stud in Bendick Murrel, NSW and has been in Matt’s family for four generations. Matt also runs 2,500 crossbred commercial ewes, and also does some cattle trading and winter cropping.

Matt has been using Regulin for a number of years, and is very pleased with the results he gets, year after year.

“In certain mobs [lambing] could be 60% better, to be honest with you …  it’s huge and the dollar return is massive. [Regulin’s] an integral part of what we do here, and I can’t see that stopping.”

Compressing joining and lambing to just a few weeks is a key benefit, with fewer truck lifts when it’s time to sell the lambs:

“Your lambing is tighter, so you can manage your weaning and marking around that and when it’s time to sell, you’ve got bigger cuts of lambs to sell in one go.”

But essentially, it’s all about being more productive and more profitable:

“You get more lambs on the ground. You get more ewes in lamb, you get less dries and more twins, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Learn more at: rowallanpolldorsets.com.au